Bronze Flat Markers
Traditional cast bronze is a beautiful enduring material that develops a patina over time. Bronze markers are typically set flush to the ground or they can be attached to a granite base or upright memorial. There are endless ways to personalize bronze memorials with shapes, colors, photos, verses and many more to commemorate your loved one.


Roederer Bronze and Granite Flat Marker with Rose and Cross

Roberts Bronze Infant Memorial with Footprints

Richards Bronze and Vase Flat Marker One Person Cemetery

Pharris Custom Bronze Flat Markers Shape with Chapel and Beekeper

Mudd Bronze Flat Marker with Verse

Mudd Bronze Flat Marker on Raised Granite Two Graves

Meredith Personalized Bronze Flat Marker with Train

Mayson Bronze Flat Marker with Vase and Angel Child

Lynn One Person Flat Bronze Memorial with Vase and Flowers

Lekorenos Government Bronze Veterans Memorial

Howard Horse on Bronze Flat Marker

Holthaus Bronze Collage on Flat Granite Monument

George Traditional Flat Bronze Plaque with Vase on Granite Marker

Cournoyer Military Bronze Flat Monument

Collin Country Landscape Design on Bronze Flat Monument

Clemons Cast Aluminum Memorial